About Us:
5700 W 86th Terrace, Overland Park, KS 66207
Phone: 913-341-5230
Type of Daycare: Family home daycare
Owner/Provider: Angela van Dieren Hankins
Hours: 8:30am-4:45pm
Age Groups: Infant - pre-K
License: 0011270-012
Edu-Care is a Montessori-based program that has been nurturing the "whole child" since 1987.
Edu-Care is a place where every child has a strength and talent waiting to unfold through communication and the freedom to be who they are.
Angela van Dieren Hankins, known by her families as "Miss A", is program director.
Miss A was educated in the Netherlands where the Montessori concept is a standard for public education.
Areas of training and education include early childhood and development, childhood safety, nutrition and health, music, and foreign languages.
Certified by the Red Cross in infant and pediatric first aid and CPR.
Miss A has served as lecturer and moderator for programs and roundtables covering subjects such as introducing Montessori concepts into the classroom and setting up an educational curriculum in an in home daycare environment.
The objective at Edu-Care is to educate the "whole child", beginning at infancy and continuing through pre-kindergarten, with a unique cycle of learning designed to make the most of a child's sensative years.
Edu-Care provides a safe and nurturing environment where a child is enabled to develop a sense of pride in their work and a feeling of confidence, well-being and joy.
Registration & Tuition:
Contact director for more information.
Meals & Menus:
Wholesome and organic snacks and lunch are included.
Edu-Care's materials and curriculum center around practical life, sensory, foreign language, math, geography, history, science, art, music, drama and dance.
Certified and accredited teachers and assistants.