Age: About 2 years
Motor Skills
*Feeds self with a spoon.
*Able to drink from a straw.
*Walks up stairs with help.
*Opens cabinets and drawers.
*Bends over to pick things up without falling.
*Builds a tower of 3-4 blocks.
*Can roll and kick a large ball.
*Begins to run.
*May show a preference for one hand over the other.
*Scribbles spontaneously.
Cognitive Skills
*Begins make believe play.
*Enjoys taking things apart.
*Wants to explore her surroundings.
*Can and will follow directions.
*Can point to 5-6 different body parts when asked.
*Enjoys looking at the same books over and over again.
*May express interest in potty training.
Social Skills and Language
*Has a vocabulary that includes several hundred words.
*Begins to use 2-3 word sentences.
*Learning to take turns with other children but generally plays along side, rather than with other children.
*Gets angry and may have temper tantrums.
*Possessive of his toys.
*Refers to self either by name or by using "me" or "mine".
*Acts shy around strangers.
*Likes to imitate parents or caregiver.
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