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Basic Daycare Listing
ONLY $36 A YEAR!!!

To Become a New Member click on the "Subscribe" button below to make payment. Then fill out the submission form.

*Note Your Listing Will not be Added Until We Recieve Payment
To Make Payment Through PayPal Click Button Below:
Choose an Option
$36.00 A Year
1 year/Basic Listing:
Subcriptions automatically renews every year,
you can cancel at anytime prior to renewal!!
You Save $4 to $8!!
$20.00 Every 6 months
6 months/Basic Listing:
Subcriptions automatically renews every 6 months,
you can cancel at anytime prior to renewal!!
$11.00 Every 3 months
3 months/Basic Listing:
Subcriptions automatically renews every 3 months,
you can cancel at anytime prior to renewal!!
Make payment first
(a seperate window will open up,
if you have pop-up blocker disable it so window will open up)

Then fill out form below to submit
your daycare and click on the submit button.

Type of Submission:
(highlight option)
Type of center:
(highlight option)
(highlight answer)
Name of Center
or Daycare:
Your Full Name:
Business Address:
Email Address:
Paypal Payment Email Address:
Phone Number:
Hours of Operation:
Age Groups Min Age: 
Age Groups Max Age: 
License Number:
Do you want
to be added to your listing
so parents can rate your daycare:
Yes No
I accept Membership Agreement:
(membership agreement)
Allow your email account
to accept our email:
Because we send out dozens of emails each day we are sometimes precieved as spam, even though we are not. Please enable your
email account to accept
email from us So you will be able to receive your account information
I will allow your email

The Daycare Resource Connection does not endorse, license, nor otherwise
recommend listings found at The Daycare Resource Connection. We are not
affiliated with any government, state or county agencies. We are merely a
daycare listing resource site. We suggest you check your state and local
regulations before enrolling your child in a center or home daycare.


© 2008, The Daycare Resource Connection. All rights reserved.
personalized template purchased at ThistleGirl Designs.