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Lisa's Little Angels Home Daycare - Preschool and Beyond Head Start Program

1631 Watercrest Court, Romeoville IL 60446
Type of Center: Home Daycare \ Preschool
Owner: Lisa Quirk
Email Address:
Phone: (815) 439-0122
Hrs of Operation: 7 am - 5:00 pm
Age Groups: Infants - 12 Years
License Number: 420296-02


Please contact me for opening availability
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Phone: (815) 439-0122

I accept all ages of children from Infants to 12 years of age. I offer Full-Time/Part-Time/Summer only care/School year only Care and Before/After School care. I do not offer drop in care. I believe the children of my care should not have to go through un-necessary transitions.
I offer programs to provide opportunities for children to broaden and deepen their behavioral knowledge.
I offer developmentally appropriate programs by providing a variety of first hand experiences in a variety of media (see Curriculum Information below).
I observe each child in our Daycare family (to match curriculum and teaching to the child's emerging needs and interests) and then I help them move forward by targeting educational experiences to challenge but not frustrate them.
I address childrens physical, social and emotional needs as well as their intellectual development.
My greatest goal is to provide a warm and nurturing environment in which each child knows he or she is loved and has a special place in my home, our world and our lives.
I am sensitive to varying customs, beliefs and behavioral patterns of the families served. I do this through communication and partnership with families taking time to get to know each family. I feel this communication fosters a consistent and cohesive integration of home and school, which allows each child to be secure enough to explore and learn.
They will have a fun filled day and be able to be a kid and learn to be social and meet new friends along the way.


I am state certified with DCFS and have 15+ years experience caring for children.


I understand that quality daycare for working parents is very important to all of us. Let me reassure you, your child while in my care will feel at home. My greatest goal is to provide a warm and nurturing environment in which each child knows he or she is loved and has a special place in my home, our world and our lives.
All children learn in different ways, I will provide many ways for your child to address specific issues. I am sensitive to varying customs, beliefs and behavioral patterns of the families served. I do this through communication and partnership with families. I take time to get to know each family and learn about their values. If a problem occurs we will work on it together.
Registration & Tuition

Upon mutual agreement and tuition being received you will receive a packet of required forms. Please keep in mind that you may need some time to have these forms completed from your doctor and yourself. Give yourself enough time when looking for your child's next daycare provider.
Tuition is based on enrollment and is due 2 weeks in advance. For new registrants this means 2 weeks of tuition is due the Friday prior to start. For continuing enrolled children tuition is due on the Friday prior to the following weeks of care. Please note that I will work with you if every 2 weeks is just not in the budget.
Many factors go into tuition rates so please contact me to discuss tuition rates. You will find my rates are very reasonable.
Meals & Menus

Included in your weekly tuition is Breakfast (for all in attendance prior to 7:30 am), 2 snacks (1 in the early am and the other after nap) and lunch. If for some reason the child is not in care during the times you will be responsible for feeding them prior to arrival.
Meal times are as follows and may vary depending on the days activities but not by much:
Breakfast 7:30 am (always)
1st snack 9:30 am
Lunch 11:30 am
2nd snack 3:30 pm (always)
The children will always have a well balanced meal and healty snack. I always encourage the children to finish what they have on their plates. This includes fruits and veggies that are served.


I am the owner and operator of Lisa's Little Angels Home Day Care. You will never have to worry about you child going through a transition stage of care providers due to turnover. |

Parent Info

I keep communication with all parents open and encourage it. Communication is number one in caring for your child.
We will always work together to better serve your child's needs no matter what they may be.
You will receive a newsletter every 2 months with news about upcoming events. Other memos may go out
through the year if needed.

I am certified in the following and continue my education with classes yearly:
Infant Safety, Sanitation for Disease Prevention, ADHD, Abuse and Neglect, Discipline in Child Care,
Language Development in Infants, Adult-Infant-Child CPR/FIRST AID (yearly),
Child Growth and Development and Child Phychology, Autism Spectrum Disorder.
The Early Childhood Professional, Partnerships with Parents, Mandated Reporter, SIDS, Shaken Baby
Syndrome, Welcoming Each and Every Child
Preschool and Beyond

“Learning starts at home from the time of birth, you are your child’s first teacher. I am here to help you
continue your child’s education and build on what they already know”. Together we can make a difference
in building their foundation for the future. My program is based on the new and changing requirements
from the state of Illinois and the Valley View 365U school district entering Kindergarten. Mastering these
skills early on will avoid your child being behind or frustrated once we approach that milestone.
Program Overview:
(This will be discussed in more detail during the time of interview if I have the availability for your child in
my program)
Motor Skills, Physical and Personal Skills with and without help, Social Skills, Math, Science, Social
Science, Health, Life, Earth, Art, Music, Language Arts (Fluency, Phonics, Letter/Word Recognition,
Printing/Writing Skills, Phonological Awareness, Tracing, Speaking and Listening.
We always are learning new things here at Lisa's Little Angels.
I use hands on activities and provide the medium for them to draw, paint and construct models and props to do dramatic play as a way to master new knowledge. I also take advantage of teachable moments during childrens play to point out new concepts in building empathy or cognitive understandings.
The following is some examples of what we do (not limited to):
Puzzles, Coloring time (I teach that the lines are our friends), Work sheets, Independent play, Group Play, Cars, Dolls, Counting, Colors, Story Time, Circle time, Months, safety drills, arts and crafts, Holiday themes, baking and so much more....
We also have Holiday Parties, Each Child has their own Birthday parties (for each child in care on their special day or the following day of their care), Field trips, Picnics, Outdoor play, Parks and so much more...
On the day of or the next day of care of your childs birthday we will have a birthday party. Yes with presents and cake for all to enjoy.

Locations and Directions

I am located off Airport Road in the Wesglen Subdivision in Romeoville

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